
From 1st May 2024 you can reserve your place for classes starting in September 2024. In order to do so, you need to fill in the matriculation form and pay the yearly fee of 10€.


The monthly fees for 2024/25 for the different levels will be:

Level 1h/week 2h/week 2h/week (family)*
Infant 30€ 55€ 50€
Primary 35€ 65€ 60€
ESO 40€ 75€ 70€
Bachillerato 45€ 80€ 75€
Adult 50€ 95€ 90€

*The family fees are applied when 2 or more people from the same immediate family attend 2 hours of classes each. There is no applicable discount for 1 hour of classes per week, or if only one student has 2 hours.

**All fees for classes are based on small groups. If you would like more than 2 hours a week or individual classes, please contact us for more information.

Groups are organised during the last week in august/start of September, so you will be contacted to arrange hours by the teacher concerned and the timetable will be arranged for the start of classes on *16th September 2024.

You can matriculate by visiting our office in Playa San Juan to fill in the form and pay the 10€ fee. This will reserve your place. If you then cannot take up the place in september for any reason, the 10€ will be refunded to you.

Alternatively, you can matriculate directly, using our online form, and paying the fee of 10€ by bank transfer to the following account number IBAN: ES57 2100 6736 1401 0008 8493 and SWIFT/BIC: CAIXESBBXXX to the account name KIRSTY JAYNE WOOD with bank, LA CAIXA. You must put the full name and identity number (DNI/NIE or Passport) that corresponds to the student registered on the form. Your teacher will then be in touch in the last 2 weeks of August to arrange the timetable. Added:

Added: Remember! Languages are a skill that we can give to our children that will allow them to travel and work anywhere in the World. They’re not just for school and exams. Good pronunciation and the confidence to speak can only be learnt from native speakers and Isla Idiomas is the only academy in the south of Tenerife that has native teachers EXCLUSIVELY. Give your children the opportunity to learn new languages for their future!

Download the matriculation form here (in Spanish) For the English version, you can use the online form below.


You can now fill in the form and pay your fee online. Please fill in the form below or click here to open it in a new tab or window. You will need to do a bank transfer for 10€ to account number, IBAN: ES57 2100 6736 1401 0008 8493 with the full name and identity number (DNI/NIE/passaport) of the student as reference. You must send a copy of the transfer receipt via email to: